Vertex embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Rowe International, one of the pioneering US jukebox manufacturers, to revolutionize the design of wall-mounted digital jukeboxes. This ambitious project aimed to preserve the iconic aesthetics of traditional jukeboxes while significantly reducing production costs and enhancing security features.
Our objectives were clear: maintain the classic look of the jukebox while slashing production costs by $1,000 compared to the old wood construction models. Additionally, the new design had to prioritize security, featuring vandal-proof construction and secure configurations for cash collection.
To achieve these goals, Vertex's design and engineering teams leveraged their expertise to develop an innovative injection-molded jukebox design. By transitioning to injection molding, we achieved significant cost savings while maintaining the timeless appeal of the jukebox's aesthetic.
Moreover, Vertex introduced an insert design module to facilitate coin and bill collection, along with the integration of credit card processing capability, further enhancing the jukebox's functionality and security.
Our responsibilities encompassed every aspect of design and engineering, from industrial design and form study to complete mechanical engineering, FEA analysis, and the development of working prototypes. Additionally, we handled documentation, vendor sourcing, production liaison, and inspection, ensuring a seamless transition from concept to production.
The result? A groundbreaking wall-mounted digital jukebox that seamlessly blends classic aesthetics with modern functionality, setting a new standard for the industry. With Vertex at the helm, Rowe International's jukeboxes stand as a testament to innovation, craftsmanship, and excellence in design and engineering.