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22 Nov
Arcade Game Design
Arcade Game Engineering

The new 3 Ring Circus Arcade game is out on the market. It was revealed at the 2017 IAAPA Expo in Orlando, Florida.

This was our first project, where we designed and engineered an arcade game from the ground up. We had good experience with coin operated projects in the past, like the ModBox Jukebox and the Megatouch Aurora Console but never at this scale and not for a young demographic.

We were presented with the task of creating a three player skill game in which each player can spin a multi panel reel with the objective of collecting as many prizes as possible. There are many ways to achieve this task, but we chose to design a center stage type of game with an impressive presence in the room—a design that no one can ignore. Since this unit is a skill game, we had to have an uninterrupted connection from the user handle to the spinning reels. The user must feel that they are the ones determining the force and speed of the spinning reel, so we had to have a direct mechanical action from the user to the reel through a complex shaft mechanism.
Safety and vandalism were also big concerns with this design, considering the demographic and the potential that both a 4-year-old and a 350-pound father could use this game.


Since this is a revenue-making game, it will justify its existence if it makes money! Floor space in arcade venues is expensive, and every square foot needs to generate income. We had to make this game as attractive to kids as possible. The center stage is a good start, but bright illumination, colors, and a good-looking crown with flashing lights on top of this game can help as well.


Each player has a station and a corresponding score reel of the same color to indicate which ring to pay attention to.


3RC show

3rc brochure