There are two generations that live worlds apart - the growing population of senior citizens and our technologically savvy young kids.
My generation is in a position where we have senior parents who still read newspapers and young kids who text instead of calling, which contributes to the widening generation gap and diminishing contact between these groups.
I decided to take on a project that will bring seniors and kids together and form a bridge in communication and relatedness through innovation.
One of the newest toys and gadgets to hit the market in recent years is the quad-copter drone, and there are several versions and types on the market. We at Vertex Product Development have designed one with the functions many will want most.
There was a post on a major website recently about a young boy who received full facial reconstruction surgery. The surgery itself was unremarkable, as it was a procedure done many times previously. What separated this particular case from others was the advent of 3D printing and its use in the surgery.